What others say about us
In recent years we have been fortunate to take many nice people on an (underwater) adventure with us. Some have subsequently written about their experiences with us on their website or in a blog. Below you can read what they had to say about us. (And if you click on the arrows you will see some photos and videos)

The Two Week Traveler
“ 'It’s like shark soup! They’re everywhere!' That’s not usually a description you want to hear just before you jump into the deep blue waters of the open ocean, unless of course you’ve traveled to Mexico in hopes of swimming with whale sharks. In that case, nothing sounds better." That's how Katrina starts her blog about her adventure swimming with whale sharks: Swimming with Whale Sharks in Mexico (It’s Amazing!)

Shades of Ghent
It took a bit of effort and it wasn't easy for her, but in the end Hanne thought learning to dive was "a fantastic experience": "The underwater life is wonderful, you see thousands of fish, beautiful coral & you relax completely." She was also very pleased with Antonio as a diving instructor: "He was patient, flexible and just a very nice guy." Read her full story "How I got my PADI diving certificate in Mexico" here (in Dutch): Hoe ik mijn PADI duikbrevet haalde in Mexico

In the summer of 2019, Erik and Judith from the blog Reisprins (Travel Prince) went on tour with us to the whale sharks: "The huge animal made a big impression and was very visible under water." "It all seemed pretty surreal, but very impressive. Others on board also had this same feeling and everyone was very enthusiastic." Their full story about this wonderful day can be read below (in Dutch): Zwemmen met walvishaaien in Mexico